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Growth Is A Mindset!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

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Years ago, in business grad school, a guest lecturer and internationally known, quality guru, Philip Crosby, told us that quality is not a poster on the wall. He said, it is a state of mind. Growth is like that, too. It isn’t a memo or a flyer on the company billboard. Growth is a state of mind. To be quality oriented/to have that state of mind, you have to first be exposed to and immersed in a quality environment long enough for it to become a mindset. I had that kind of experience at Liberty University. To have a growth mindset, it takes the same. Once one has that state of mind, there is no going back. It’s a ride you won’t want to get off of.

Being on the road consulting, I’m reminded over and over again that the people in the Pest, Termite and Lawn care industry are the best! Great Americans! Helping these companies to realize their full potential and how to get there is enjoyable, to say the least. As CEO of a company that we sold in 2005, I was able to see our company go from $8 million to $35 million in 9 years. $27 million of revenue added in 9 years…all organic growth…no acquisitions and I’m helping other owners now to get on that same path. Contact us and surf our website: www.theclendeninconsultinggroup.com. We’d love to work with your company, too.

I also want to take this moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas, a great Holiday Season and a terrific New Year.
-Greg Clendenin

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