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S.W.O.T. & P.E.S.T. Analysis & The Clendenin Consulting Group Growth Course

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

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Let me take you through our S.W.O.T. and P.E.S.T. Analysis and The Clendenin Consulting Group Growth Course and get your company on the path of Sustainable, Profitable Exponential Growth.

When I took my company and added $27 Million in annual revenue in just 9 years with no acquisitions…all organic growth, someone asked me how that happened. (Keep in mind, at that time, the average “ticket” was about $600.) Over a period of just a few months, I will show you just how that happened. You can also do it.
We begin by taking you through our eye-opening Growth Course which consists of (among other things):

  • Videos/Webinars presented by Greg Clendenin to various groups on the subject of Exponential Growth and how to achieve it
  • Workbooks on more of the above
  • Links to articles in trade publications authored by Greg
  • A link to our Blog on issues of growth and how to build a company
  • A free book that has been required reading in some of America’s best post-graduate business schools on delivering world-class service in today’s environment

We then perform a SWOT analysis, looking deep into the:

  • Strengths,
  • Weaknesses,
  • Opportunities and
  • Threats of your company.

I will show you:

  • How to harness and capitalize on your strengths,
  • Shore up and eliminate your weaknesses,
  • Seize your opportunities and
  • Mitigate and even eliminate your threats.

A good SWOT analysis identifies issues we can address now and things we can put into action now that will change your company and its results in:

  • Employee Retention
  • Customer Retention
  • Growth
  • Profit and
  • New Sales

Then we do a PEST analysis (not the bug type) looking at all the:

  • Political,
  • Economic,
  • Social and
  • Technological issues that may affect your company long-term.

A good PEST analysis dives into the things that are not always in your control but could have a serious impact on your company if not planned for, dealt with and/or complied with such as:

  • Changes in rules and laws
  • Labor laws
  • Trade laws
  • Interest rates
  • Inflation rates
  • Unemployment rates
  • Changes in societal culture, mores, norms and values
  • Skilled resources
  • Information and communication

I will show you how to create systems, procedures and policies that will strengthen your team and your company’s performance in the most critical areas of your business.

We will show you how to structure your company to maximize performance and productivity.

We will address many other areas of your business in this entire process such as pricing strategy, service strategy, coaching strategy and much more.

We will show you how to measure, monitor and reduce your biggest costs as a percent of your annual revenue.

We will show you how to measure, monitor and manage your customer retention, your net gain in new accounts and new customers and your growth in recurring revenue.

Our service is tailored to each individual company. We are confident that what you will get in return on your nominal investment in our service in significant increase in your rate of growth, profit and cash flow will more than meet your expectations. Our unique background, experience and track record in the lawn and pest control business makes our consulting services unique.

Contact us for more information.
Email: gc@clendenincg.com Cell: 407-948-0897

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