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It's About The EBITDA!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

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Many times the owner of a business, who has decided to sell the business, is looking for a certain multiple of revenue for his/her business. That’s understandable and it is part of the equation. However, sometimes that multiple of revenue desired isn’t supported by the current EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). Many things affect the profit of a pest control or lawn care company; price, service strategy, route density, employee retention, service, asset protection, etc., etc., etc. All these things, whether you are selling or not, are things that The Clendenin Consulting Group can help you with…increasing your EBIDTA and, thereby, making your business a much more attractive acquisition. In fact, we would very likely find several areas where revenue can be increased and costs decreased as a percent of revenue without lowering the quality of service delivered to customers. In fact, raising the quality of the service delivered may be a part of the formula. Whether you plan to sell your business or not, wouldn’t you want to accelerate the growth of your company and expand the EBITDA exponentially? We have helped a host of companies identify and realize big gains in growth, reductions in costs and do it on a sustained basis. Contact us. Surf our website: www.theclendeninconsultinggroup.com.
-Greg Clendenin

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